Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Office SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure - Access Denied

If you don't activate Publishing Resources when you first install SharePoint (MOSS 2007), when you try and activate it later via site collection features, you might see an access denied error when activating. You can manually activivate Publishing Resources via stsadm:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN>
stsadm -o activatefeature -name PublishingResources -url http://website

Operation completed successfully.

You will then be able to activate Office SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hard Drive Recovery Videos

This guy really knows his shit. There's a 5 part series on the anatomy of a hard drive and 4 of the main methods of recovering data from a failing hard drive.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Installing SQL 2008 in a 2 node cluster

Woo Hoo! :)

Below are the basic steps from SQL 2005,  as I perform the actual installation for my new SQL 2008 cluster, I'll replace the steps and stuff :)

Here's a link to the SQL 2008 cluster installation:

Prerequisites for SQL 2008 cluster installation:

  1. Add\Remove Programs > Windows Components > Application Server

  2. select - Enable asp.NET

  3. select - Enable network COM+ access

  4. select - Enable network DTC access

  5. select - Internet Information Services (IIS)

  6. Start > Run > Services.msc

  7. Distributed Transaction Coordinator - set to Manual

  8. HTTP SSL - set to Automatic

  9. Start > Run > cmd > iisreset

  10. Install Windows 2003 Server SP1

  11. Install configure .NET Framework 3.5

6.1 Default Instance SQL Installation
1. On the SQL Server 2005 Disk1 folder, run Setup.exe to begin the installation.
2. At the End User License Agreement page, accept the license and click Next.
3. At the Installing Prerequisites page when it says Click Install to continue, click Install and when done click Finish.
4. At the Welcome to the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard, click Next.
5. At the System Configuration Check page after the check completes, verify there are no errors and click Next.
6. At the Registration Information page, enter your name and company name click Next.
7. For Components to Install, select SQL Server Database Services, Create a SQL Server failover cluster, Notification Services, Integration Services and Workstation Components
- Click Advanced.
- Expand Client Components.
- Select to have Notifications Services, Integration Services, and Client Components installed completely to the D:\ drive and click Next.
11. Once each component has been specified to install to the D:\ drive of the server, click Next.
12. For the instance name of the first instance, leave it set to Default instance and click Next.
13. For the Virtual Server Name – enter the name of your virtual Server name for the default instance of SQL on the MS Cluster and click Next.
14. For Virtual Server Configuration, Network to use, enter Primary For the IP Address, enter and for the Network subnet, enter , click Add, and then click Next.
15. For Cluster Group Selection, select the group that contains the drive letter(s) you configured for your SQL data files and click Next.
16. For Cluster Node Configuration, add the available nodes to the selected nodes and click Next.
17. For Remote Account information, enter credentials for a user that has administrator privileges for the system and click Next.
18. For Service Account, enter the credentials for the SQL Server Service Account and click Next.
19. For the Domain Groups for Cluster Services enter your AD Service Accounts Group click Next.
20. For Authentication Mode, select Mixed Mode enter a strond password and click Next.

21. At the Collation Settings page, leave the default settings and click Next.
22. At the Error and Usage Settings, leave the default settings and click Next.
23. At the Ready to Install page, click Install
24. You can view the progress of the installation by selecting/changing the Node on the Setup Progress window.  Once setup has completed, click Next.
25. At the Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup page, click Finish.

Creating a Windows 2003 Ent cluster with OpenFiler

Q. Do I need to do anything special when configuring an iSCSI Cluster?
A. Take the following configuration settings into consideration when using the MS Software Initiator:

  1. Set all clustered volumes as "Persistent Bindings" to ensure they are remapped if the node is rebooted.

  2. Set "Bind Volumes" for all clustered disks to ensure they are fully mounted by the iSCSI service before the Cluster Service attempts to bring them online.

  3. Ensure you are using Microsoft iSCSI Software Initator 2.0 or above.

  4. Make sure your Quorum drive is at least 500MB

Now! :)

Start up the Cluster Admin tool, File > New > Cluster

  1. Welcome Screen - click Next

  2. Cluster Name and Domain - select your domain from the drop and type in a new name for your cluster (I called mine obxCluster02)

  3. Computer Name - type in the name of the server to be the first node

  4. blah blah blah from here enjoy :)

Configuring OpenFiler v2.3 iSCSI target server

Step 1: Network Access

Step 2: Create New Physical Volume

Step 3: Create New Volume Group

Step 4: Create New Volume

Step 5: Enable iSCSI Target Service

Step 6: Add iSCSI Target

Step 7: Map the LUN

Step 8: Allow access to the iSCSI Target

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ubuntu iSCSi target - 9.10

first - create an additional HD for our VM of Ubunutu

next - started VM, used gparted to format the new drive (ext2)
sudo apt-get install gparted

sudo apt-get install iscsitarget

sudo apt-get install lvm2

sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb1

Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created

sudo vgcreate -s 16M vg0 /dev/sdb1

Volume group "vg0" successfully created

sudo lvcreate -L 20G -n storage_lun1 vg0

Logical volume "storage_lun1" created

sudo gedit /etc/ietd.conf




Lun 0 Path=/dev/vg0/storage_lun1,Type=fileio

Alias LUN1

#MaxConnections  6

sudo gedit /etc/initiators.allow

sudo service iscsitarget start

On windows 2003 servers - download and  install iSCSI initiator for Windows 2003

Then Open the iSCSi Initiator and use the Discover tab, type in the IP of your Ubuntu target, click Logon button

When you see the disk in disk mgr, initialize format select extended partition, then choose ntfs as usual.

Tomorrow, I'll put the process together for building a 2 node cluster.  From there, you can repeat the above process in order to present additional luns to your cluster for things like building a SQL cluster.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

See the number of SQL connections to a database

SELECT db_name(dbid) as DatabaseName, count(dbid) as NoOfConnections,
loginame as LoginName
FROM sys.sysprocesses
WHERE dbid > 0
GROUP BY dbid, loginame

Change the location of the TEMPDB

Use the ALTER DATABASE statement, specifying the logical file name as follows:
use master
Alter database tempdb modify file (name = tempdev, filename = 'E:\Sqldata\tempdb.mdf')
Alter database tempdb modify file (name = templog, filename = 'E:\Sqldata\templog.ldf')

You should receive the following messages that confirm the change:
Message 1
File 'tempdev' modified in sysaltfiles. Delete old file after restarting SQL Server.
Message 2
File 'templog' modified in sysaltfiles. Delete old file after restarting SQL Server.
Using sp_helpfile in tempdb will not confirm these changes until you restart SQL Server.
Stop and then restart SQL Server

MOSS Search Service problem - crawl failing - bad credentials

The resolution for this was to add the following registry key

1) Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2) In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
3) Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
4) Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER.
5) Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
6) In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
7) Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer.

~Sandeep Lad

Then -

- stopped the "Office SharePoint Server Search" service from Central Administration
- restarted the "Office SharePoint Server Search" service from Computer Management > Services and Applications > Services
- started the "Office SharePoint Server Search" service in Central Administration
- reconfigured the search settings
- did a full index AND an incremental search.  The full index did not give me complete results, so I had to run the incremental.